Is anyone else listening to the presentations from Sean Croxton’s Sexy Back Summit? I have to say that I’m really enjoying it so far.  There are 4 presentations each day and that is too many for me.  It’s a smart marketing ploy since people will feel like they have to buy to recordings to be able to catch them all but it sucks for me since I’m not buying anything. I’m happy to listen and participate when stuff is free but I can’t be paying for all this knowledge. I’m still paying off my useless college degree.  So I have to pick and choose the ones I want to listen to the most. I don’t have time to catch them all but the ones I have listened to are pretty interesting.

Most of these summits I follow are focused pretty narrowly on one topic and while this one is focused on sexual health, the presenters so far are all coming at the topic from different perspectives and approaches. That’s great because each person is sharing mostly new (at least new to me) information and not just repeating each other which can happen sometimes when you get a bunch of smart talented people all talking about the same topic. If you’re interested, there’s 4 more days of the summit (including today) and I’m sure lots more interesting presentations to come.