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I got the call. Technically my beta is positive. But, congruent with my disappearing line on the HTPs, the number is an impressively low 11.8.  I have to keep doing the PIO and Estrogen patches and go back Friday for confirmation of the decreasing beta.  I knew this number wasn’t good but I asked my nurse – who was the one who called me – if numbers like this ever worked out for the positive. She said in her experience she would guess it’s less than 5% chances that we could have a positive outcome. I might have had more hope for this miracle if I hadn’t seen the positive and then negative HPTs. I know it’s a chemical.

In the face of another soul-crushing heartbreak, I’m trying to find the silver lining. At least we know right away and were not tricked by a good first beta like my last FET induced chemical pregnancy in 2012.

That leaves the score at 2 BFNs, 2 chemical pregnancies, 2 “miscarriages” and 3 baby’s lost. Who ever thought it would be this hard?